
Current Impact Factor (2023): 2,4

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Auf Ihre Veranstaltung zum Thema Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe können Sie tagesaktuell online über unsere Community für Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde hinweisen. Einfach auf unten stehenden Link klicken, Formular ausfüllen, abschicken, fertig!

Authors‘ Guidelines

Dear author,

please note: We only accept articles that have not yet been published or submitted elsewhere.

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Author's guidelines especially for "GebFra Science"

Authors of original works, reviews and guidelines 
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Authors of guidelines and statements
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Author's notes especially for "GebFra Magazine"

Authors of letters to the editor
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Authors of articles for "Aktuell diskutiert"
"Aktuell diskutiert" is a German language section of invited papers related to topical discussions and opinions. If you want to suggest a paper, please write to

Authors of articles for "Der interessante Fall" 
"Der interessante Fall" is a German language section with medical use cases. If you want to suggest a paper, please contact the editorial staff at

Authors of articles for "Study Discuss" 
In this German language section national, ongoing or upcoming clinical trials are briefly presented. If you want to submit a 1 to 2-page profile of the study, please contact the editorial staff at
Please find the guideline for authors here.

General guidelines for authors

In addition to the specific author guidelines of the "GebFra", please note the following general author guidelines:

Scientific Publications (PDF)

The following document will give you a quick overview of the correct citation of literature in Thieme journals:

Quoting correctly (PDF)

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File formats

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  • The text may contain enumerations in max. 3 levels.


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Declaration of conflicts of interest (PDF)

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Author's proofs, approval and Electronic reprint for personal use

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