
Current Impact Factor (2023): 2,4

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Ihr Veranstaltungstermin

Auf Ihre Veranstaltung zum Thema Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe können Sie tagesaktuell online über unsere Community für Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde hinweisen. Einfach auf unten stehenden Link klicken, Formular ausfüllen, abschicken, fertig!

Journal Policies, Copyright and Product Liability

Journal Policies
Please find the Journal Policies of the Thieme Group here: Journal

Generally, only manuscripts will be accepted which have not been published elsewhere, neither in a national nor in an international journal or any other media. Manuscripts must not be offered other publications at the same time.

Upon acceptance of your manuscript by us, the corresponding author  assigns to us (on behalf of all authors), without geographical or language restriction and for the duration of the legal copyright term, the rights to use your article, for all print runs/updates, including the rights to reproduce and distribute copies of the article in printed form; reproduce and distribute the article in electronic media formats; publish ourselves or to authorize the publication of excerpts in other works or articles, in audio-visual accompanying materials or interactive products or services, and including the transfer of rights of use to third parties; translate, transfer and process into other languages or versions. Furthermore you assign to us all statutory royalty claims under relevant law insofar we mandate a reproduction rights organization to administer such rights for publishers and authors; we accept the assignments. The aforesaid rights to use are assigned to us exclusively. Details are regulated in the Copyright Transfer Agreement which the corresponding author receives together with the galley proofs.

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde takes ethical matters very seriously and asks authors and reviewers to adhere to strict ethical guidelines. Please consult the relevant Instructions for Authors viz. the Notes to Reviewers for detailed information.

Product Liability
Product liability laws place a heavy responsibility on you as the author of a scientific publication. This is especially the case when you report on therapeutic modalities and/or drug doses. Thus, please check these details in your manuscript very carefully. Depending on the degree of the theoretically possible dangers, please ask an experienced colleague or co-worker to also check on these details. During the editorial processing of your manuscript by the publisher it will be proof-read several times and, for example, details of doses carefully checked; however, only you as the author have the necessary specialist knowledge to assess the appropriateness of these details. The responsibility for their correctness lies exclusively with you as the author. Together with our authors we want to reduce the risk of possible injury to patients as well of damage claims and liability proceedings. For this we depend on your cooperation.